
An Afternoon at the Beach

Amena Hajjar
Amena Hajjar • August 24, 2023

Please join, WMSS Bonika Vega, and other community swimmers and beach enthusiasts for the 18th annual Afternoon at the Beach. Join friends, bring friends, make friends - connect with new and old friends. Swimming for those who wish, all levels encouraged and welcome. Beach lounging, meditating, and drawing are all welcome! WMSS will provide hot coffee and tea. Bring your suit, and your energy, and join us for this fun refreshing tradition. Weather permitting. Seniors parking fee is $8. Carpooling is highly encouraged.

Every Monday 1 pm - 3pm

September 11th - November 13th

At Hearts Desire Beach

RSVP bonika@wmss.org or call 415-663-8148 x107