Leonard Bernstein's 1973 Lectures on Music and Poetry

Free Introductory Meeting: Inside the Arts with Joyce Kouffman

J Kouffman
J Kouffman • November 29, 2023

Free Introductory Meeting for Inside the Arts with Joyce Kouffman

Film/discussion/creative activity group(s) forming for those who enjoy in-depth discussion, body-centered learning, and exploring poetry, art, music, movement, and writing. Series of 8 twice-monthly meetings begin in January 2024 with excerpts from Leonard Bernstein's sparkling 1973 lectures on poetry and music.

Sliding scale for 8 twice monthly meetings: $120 - $240.

Free Intro: 2023-12-22: Friday, 4:30p.m. - 5:15p.m.

Write to JoyceJazz@gmail.com for event link.