
West Marin Locals Fire Ecology Hike

Catie Clune
Catie Clune • February 14, 2023

Audubon Canyon Ranch invites West Marin locals to join us for a Fire Ecology presentation and hike at the Martin Griffin Preserve. Join us to learn about the ongoing work of Audubon Canyon Ranch's Fire Forward program. We will begin the day with a 45-minute presentation about fire ecology and the importance of getting 'good fire' back onto our landscapes. Then the group will have a guided hike around a 4-mile loop that goes through two unique burn project sites.

The moderately strenuous hike starts headed uphill to our coastal prairie restoration site. You will learn why fire is an important stewardship tool to protect these incredibly diverse and increasingly rare habitats. We will then loop around the trail into some upland redwood forest. There we have an example of a redwood understory burn that is intended to protect our iconic trees from a high-intensity wildfire. 

If the available spaces are full, please email catie.clune@egret.org to be added to the waitlist. 

Who: Fire Forward's Brian Peterson and Martin Griffin Preserve's Manager and Resident Biologist Gwen Heistand

When: Saturday April 1, 10am - 3pm

Where: Martin Griffin Preserve


Link to register: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0c45a5a62fabf8cf8-west#/